# Filing issues Please [check the existing issues](https://github.com/mozilla/localForage/issues) to make sure your issue hasn't already been filed. If you have a bug to report, please file it. If you'd like to see a feature implemented, you can file an issue, but know that pull requests for small things like adding a line in a config file will get more attention than an issue asking someone else to do it. See below for [issues that have been discussed and will be rejected](#features-localforage-will-reject). # Contributing to localForage First off: thanks! Open source software (and thus all software) exists because of people like you. <3 If you'd like to contribute to localForage, it's as simple as opening a pull request on GitHub. After that someone will code review your work and either ask you to fix any errors or merge the code into master. Here are a few tips: * **all drivers must have the same public API**: refer to [the API tests](https://github.com/mozilla/localForage/blob/master/test/test.api.coffee) for how we ensure this, but simply put: all drivers should share the _exact same_ outward-facing API * **do your work on a feature branch**: this keeps things clean and easy * **try to rebase master into your branch**: this keeps the commit history clean and avoids merge commits inside feature branches * **write tests**: if you're adding new features, _please_ write tests; likewise, if you're fixing a bug that wasn't previously caught by a test, please add one * **run `grunt build` before you commit**: this will build out the files in the `dist/` folder and ensure your tests pass Please commit changes at the top-level folder along with your changes in the `src/` folder--**do not make these changes separate commits**. These are the built versions of `localforage.js` and `localforage.min.js`, which are used by bower. If you have any questions, need some help, or anything else, don't feel shy! The team behind this library is often available on IRC ([irc.mozilla.org](https://wiki.mozilla.org/IRC) on the `#apps` channel). ## Coding Style All code can be tested for style by running the unit tests (`npm test`). This will make sure your code conforms to our styleguide. (You can read the rules in `.jshint` and `.jscsrc`.) ## Features localForage will reject ### node.js support localForage is a browser library with a specific focus on client-side, offline storage. It is not a general-purpose storage library and is not meant to allow for the same API on the client and the server. Implementing the localForage API wouldn't be hard (it's just localStorage with callbacks and ES6 promises), but it's a job for another library. ### Legacy browser support Basically this means anything before IE 8. I know there are hacky ways to support storage with cookies or IE Userdata or whatever, but anything worse than localStorage isn't worth investing into.