/* Instead of a list of all class selectors, you can use the generic selector below, but it's slower: [class*="icon-"] { */ %icon-style, .icon-calendar, .icon-credit, .icon-checkmark, .icon-cancel-circle, .icon-cloud-download, .icon-fire, .icon-upload, .icon-warning, .icon-download, .icon-home, .icon-books, .icon-file-pdf, .icon-plus, .icon-disk, .icon-office, .icon-question, .icon-table, .icon-remove, .icon-collaborateur, .icon-pie, .icon-mail, .icon-indent-increase, .icon-indent-decrease, .icon-forward, .icon-profile, .icon-list, .icon-flag, .icon-pencil, .icon-cog, .icon-close, .icon-search, .icon-cloud-upload, .icon-user, .icon-arrow-right, .icon-locked, .icon-location, .icon-file-word, .icon-file-excel, .icon-image, .icon-chevron-up, .icon-chevron-down, .icon-menu, .icon-user, .icon-bars, .icon-client, .icon-attachment, .icon-support, .icon-home, .icon-time, .icon-bubbles, .icon-home-2, .icon-copy,.icon-share, .icon-gift, .icon-lightning, .icon-loop, .icon-upload-alt, .icon-archive, .icon-magic, .icon-chevron-right, .icon-file-alt, .icon-download, .icon-upload, .icon-preview, .icon-box-remove, .icon-box-add, .icon-minus { display: inline-block; //@include px2em($px : $fontSize , $base-font-size:$base-font-size, $em : true, $rem: true, $percent: false, $property :width) ; //@include px2em($px : $fontSize , $base-font-size:$base-font-size, $em : true, $rem: true, $percent: false, $property :height) ; @include rem(( width : $fontSize, height : $fontSize, font-size : $fontSize )); margin:0 6px; //vertical-align: middle; font-family: 'icon'; //@include px2em($px : $fontSize , $base-font-size:$base-font-size, $em : true, $rem: true, $percent: false, $property :font-size) ; speak: none; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-variant: normal; text-transform: none; line-height: 1; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; color: $darkColor; @include opacity(0.5); } // // Coloration des icônes .icon-success { color: $successColor !important; @include opacity(1); } .icon-danger { color: $dangerColor !important; @include opacity(1); } .icon-info { color: $infoColor !important; @include opacity(1); } .icon-light { color: $lightColor !important; @include opacity(1); } .icon-dark { color: $darkColor !important; @include opacity(1); } // // Coloration par parent .btn-danger [class*="icon-"], .btn-info [class*="icon-"], .btn-success [class*="icon-"], .btn-warning [class*="icon-"], .toolbar_action--menu_link [class*="icon-"], .header [class*="icon-"], .trashed .td_container [class*="icon-"], .archived .td_container [class*="icon-"], #menu-collapse-btn { color: $lightColor; @include opacity(1); } // // Gestion opacité a, .btn { &:hover [class*="icon-"], &.active [class*="icon-"] { @include opacity(1); } } // // Liste des icones .icon-calendar:before { content: "\e004"; } .icon-credit:before { content: "\e003"; } .icon-checkmark:before { content: "\e000"; } .icon-cancel-circle:before { content: "\e001"; } .icon-cloud-download:before { content: "\e002"; } .icon-fire:before { content: "\e005"; } .icon-upload:before { content: "\e006"; } .icon-warning:before { content: "\e007"; } .icon-home:before { content: "\e00a"; } .icon-books:before { content: "\e009"; } .icon-file-pdf:before { content: "\e00b"; } .icon-plus:before { content: "\e00c"; } .icon-disk:before { content: "\e00d"; } .icon-office:before { content: "\e00e"; } .icon-question:before { content: "\e00f"; } .icon-table:before { content: "\e010"; } .icon-remove:before { content: "\e011"; } .icon-users:before { content: "\e013"; } .icon-pie:before { content: "\e012"; } .icon-mail:before { content: "\e014"; } .icon-indent-increase:before { content: "\e015"; } .icon-indent-decrease:before { content: "\e016"; } .icon-forward:before { content: "\e017"; } .icon-profile:before { content: "\e01a"; } .icon-list:before { content: "\e01b"; } .icon-flag:before { content: "\e01c"; } .icon-pencil:before { content: "\e01d"; } .icon-cog:before { content: "\e01e"; } .icon-close:before { content: "\e01f"; } .icon-search:before { content: "\e020"; } .icon-cloud-upload:before { content: "\e021"; } .icon-collaborateur:before { content: "\e022"; } .icon-arrow-right:before { content: "\e024"; } .icon-locked:before { content: "\e025"; } .icon-location:before { content: "\e026"; } .icon-file-word:before { content: "\e027"; } .icon-file-excel:before { content: "\e028"; } .icon-image:before { content: "\e029"; } .icon-chevron-up:before { content: "\f077"; } .icon-chevron-down:before { content: "\f078"; } .icon-menu:before { content: "\f0c9"; } .icon-user:before { content: "\e023"; } .icon-bars:before { content: "\e02a"; } .icon-client:before { content: "\e02b"; } .icon-attachment:before { content: "\e02c"; } .icon-support:before { content: "\e02d"; } .icon-time:before { content: "\f017"; } .icon-bubbles:before { content: "\e02e"; } .icon-home-2:before { content: "\e02f"; } .icon-copy:before { content: "\e030"; } .icon-share:before { content: "\e031"; } .icon-gift:before { content: "\f06b"; } .icon-lightning:before { content: "\e032"; } .icon-loop:before { content: "\e033"; } .icon-upload-alt:before { content: "\f093"; } .icon-archive:before { content: "\f187"; } .icon-magic:before { content: "\f0d0"; } .icon-chevron-right:before { content: "\f054"; } .icon-file-alt:before { content: "\f0f6"; } .icon-download:before { content: "\f11a"; } .icon-upload:before { content: "\f11b"; } .icon-preview:before { content: "\f330"; } .icon-box-remove:before { content: "\e006"; } .icon-box-add:before { content: "\e008"; } .icon-minus:before { content: "\f068"; }