// Counts the number of occurrences of each value of $list
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @documentation http://sassylists.com/documentation/#count-values
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @dependence `replace-nth()`
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @example count-values(a b c d e)       => a 1, b 1, c 1, d 1, e 1
// @example count-values(a b c a d b a e) => a 3, b 2, c 1, d 1, e 1
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $list [List] : list
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @return [List]

@function count-values($list) {
    $keys: ();
    $counts: ();

    @each $item in $list {
        $index: index($keys, $item);

        @if not $index {
            $keys: append($keys, $item);
            $counts: append($counts, 1);

        @else {
            $counts: replace-nth($counts, $index, nth($counts, $index) + 1);

    @return zip($keys, $counts);