// Removes value from $list at index $index // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @documentation http://sassylists.com/documentation/#remove-nth // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @alias `without-nth()` // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @dependence `replace-nth()` // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @example remove-nth(a b c, 2) => a, c // @example remove-nth(a b c, 0) => error // @example remove-nth(a b c, -1) => a, b // @example remove-nth(a b c, 10) => error // @example remove-nth(a b c, -10) => error // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @param $list [List] : list // @param $index [Number] : index to remove // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @raise [Error] if $index isn't an integer // @raise [Error] if $index is 0 // @raise [Error] if abs value of $index is strictly greater then length of $list // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @return [List] | false @function remove-nth($list, $index) { @return replace-nth($list, $index, ""); } // Alias @function without-nth($list, $index) { @return remove-nth($list, $index); }